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HYDRA ASSISTANT will help the user to adjust the application settings, solve the cause of the failure or simplify the diagnostic process. No more instructions are needed. Forgot to turn off PBO2 in BIOS? - no problem, the assistant will do it for you, just answer a couple of simple questions.

This function will become an integral part of HYDRA 1.1E PRO.
Also, a new type of diagnosis is being prepared - a search for ideal CO's for PBO2.


Times are tough, but we are moving on. Thank you for your sympathy and support.




Stay strong my friend


Might want to fix "undervooling" typo before release :) Also, I hope you're doing fine. Wish you the best of luck when you arrive @ Germany :)


All the best to you and your family, my friend


Germany? Sounds good! And if you, maybe, find yourself in Switzerland and you need any support or how ever… let me know 🙋🏽‍♂️👍🏽 Hope to see that you‘re safe and moving forward. Hope same for all your Family and friends. Keep going!


Be safe and best wish


Stay alive friend of Australia. Hopefully, NATO does something soon, I heard from my military friends back home that the focus is China as Russia and China are in bed together and so NATO aim to prevent china from stomping across while the Russians take the fall as China decided not too fulfil the full obligation Russia was hoping for by backing them up in the war so we think China plans something while NATO is busy.


Where can i find discord server?