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Commission by NoName

- You think than it's always a pleasure to be his personal guard . But she get never enouth . 

- It's the 4 time , please make her stop . 

New blender picture ! and the first one with the male model :D !! I got some trouble with the subsurface , blender give me smooth ligthing and hight body def but it's not again very maitrised . 

Maybe for later i can try to make animation on it ? 

Anyway i put the program tonight !



Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-08 18:22:48 flurry <3 instant like ^^ thank you NoName for commission
2021-01-30 04:55:10 flurry <3 instant like ^^ thank you NoName for commission

flurry <3 instant like ^^ thank you NoName for commission