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What an amazing Patreon Poll for a new 2020 Redux of one of my older illustrations. It was almost a done deal as soon as I posted the previous versions of the celebs and choices we had. Emma Stone vs Kat Dennings vs Penny. I last drew Kat in 2017 and it would be hard to a better job than is already done for her but Penny was another high placed contender for me. She was my first Weight Gain Series way back in early 2013 but I will get around to updating and continuing that series another day.

So we had 28 votes to Emma Stone and 32 as of today. So you guys have spoken and I hear you! So with many gifs and fun references shared via Discord I was healthily inspired to draw Emma as quickly and as mega obese as possible. I am going for a similar style as Ann Perkin’s or April Ludgate Commission but a bit more realistic based on the weight distribution. Showing her in a massive mobility couch so she can be wheeled in and out of the sound booth studio to record her lines or singing for the sequel to LaLa Land aka FaFa Land where she has been fed to obesity and must learn how to dance again after gaining hundreds of pounds.

What do you like about the sketch? Any suggestions? Let me know in the comments below:D
