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Patreon has been updating their Sales Tax information and requirements so if anyone curious about how that may effect you depending on what country you are in you can find out here.

It won't effect the status of your pledge but may appear to be a extra line added in your bill than before calculated from the new Patreon calculating system. I want to make sure you guys aren't adversely effected and it can be a headache to figure these things out. I will work with you find the right balance and make sure your pledges, rewards and benefits are not effected.

Been so hella busy on the new comic I totally missed the notice for this one. I'll have awesome new content for July to look forward to!

Thanks everyone!

On May 6th, 2020, Patreon announced that we are being required by law to start adding sales tax to more patron pledges starting on July 1st, 2020. This affects patrons in some parts of the US and 15 other countries (see list).
Patreon already handles charging and paying VAT (European sales tax) for patrons in the EU, and has been doing so since 2015 when the laws changed in the EU. Over the past couple of years, many countries and many states in the United States have passed similar laws that require “online marketplaces” to apply sales tax to transactions. Although aimed at the Amazons, Ebays, Netflixes, and Etsys of the world, the way these laws were written and the way they’re being interpreted means that they’re impacting many different types of companies, including Patreon.
On May 20th, 2020, Patreon launched our advanced sales tax settings to give you more control over how sales tax applies to your membership and save patrons money. Click
here for details and instructions.
The article and FAQs below will cover all the details about how sales tax applies to Patreon and what you need to know to prepare.


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