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First off; big thanks to every new patron and to those who continue to support me! I really appreciate it. 

Unfortunately, as you may have noticed, there isn't really any content for the month of May. I have been working my way through the current commission queue and haven't really had any room for other work. 

I would have other stuff to post but in the middle of May I got hit with about 10 days worth of art block and arm+wrist soreness. It kinda fucked my whole groove up. Thankfully the art block is gone now, but I'm still a bit sore and need to recover before I injure myself oof

So yeah drawing is a little rough at the moment, and things are very slow. I'm just gonna focus on these commissions until I feel good enough to draw more often again. I'm definitely gonna post some of these comms because they're pretty great, so look forward to that!  

Thanks again!




Penultimate Boss

Its all good take care of yourself!


I hope you have a smooth recovery. Take care ✌️


Take your time friend. Also take my money! Kidding, but yes, do take the time you need to get better. As always you're my favorite artist