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Hey, buddies! The March 2021 Rewards have been sent, please check your inbox for your respective rewards! We hope that everyone enjoyed the Aiden Flynn Body Pillow Artwork, as well as those bonus past sets for everyone in the Complete Tier and above~

As a reminder for everyone, the tiers are different from now until the end of May 2021, so please be sure and update your pledges if you haven't! Check out the full summary below:


Please stay tuned for our second Body Pillow Showdown Poll, with Yoshinori vs Goro this month! Thanks as always for your support, buddies!




Looks great! Can an option for voting for next month be TaigaxHiro?


Will it pop up in my emails? Sorry new to this


I don't think I received my reward for March... >.>... might be issues on my end