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Hey, buddies! We're back with the second reward preview of February 2021, featuring Aiden Flynn! Aiden's talents as a chef sure do come in handy around Valentines day, and he's well equipped to give everyone with a sweet tooth their full share of the chocolate~

This reward won the Double Holiday Celebration poll with 278 votes, and will be featured in the Basic ($10 USD) Tier with basic sequences this month! The full sequences will be available alongside the Goro Nomoru reward in the Complete ($20 USD) Tier and above, so please make sure and update your pledges, buddies!

That's all for the February 2021 rewards, buddies! We'll be sending the January 2020 Rewards on the 15th like usual, so please stay tuned!



Tairo Akitora

Bro Aiden Sure looks Tasty. I'll be His Valentine...

Luke Stud

I love Aiden so much!


Really excited for this one