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Hey, buddies! We're back with the first reward preview of the month, featuring Orlando Knight! As an aspiring star, Orlando is always ready to do a photoshoot for a little extra expsoure, and it looks like he's going the extra mile for this one... 

This reward will be featured in the $20 USD (Complete) Tier this month with full sequences, alongside both other rewards! You still have plenty of time to update your pledges, so be sure and check them, buddies! The next preview will be for Lief Tealwood, coming soon, so stay tuned, buddies!



Logan Leatherman

Oh hey! Orlando is sexy! His heterochromia is surprisingly appealing as well.


Damn he fine hope hes a bottom

Artemis LA

He looks like a very cute mix of Avan and Yuuto. Perhaps they somehow managed to procreate lol