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Hello my supporters! I want to make some statement on what was happening during the month, leading to lacked of content.

I have university project for almost the entire month and its involving drawing another stuff that isn't NSFW related, and its hindered my ability to draw NSFW content. I don't be able to draw decently like I used to, so I become pretty depressed, and afraid that I lost the ability to draw men, so I just stopped. But now that I regain some of my ability to draw them back, and at least can sketch ones. Next month I'll come back to posting things again. I'm so sorry for not be able to deliver anything for this month.

For the compensation I'll provide you guys some unused sketches and one of the full color drawing. Hope you guys understanding and sorry for the lacked of contents. 

The contents of this month compensation are:

Laxus: Two variations

12 unused sketches

Thank you guys so much for the support :)


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