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 Character will be aged up if necessary

(Weighted Vote Poll - The weight of your vote is equal to your total amount of support during the month, check current estimates HERE.)

The poll winner will be drawn the following month, the rest may still be drawn as doodles or even full pics. Poll ends next Sunday so get your votes in before then.

Keep in mind that you can change your vote at any point before the poll is closed.

Make your suggestions for next month HERE. (NOTE: Not all suggestions are guaranteed to enter a poll, you can get an idea of what can enter a poll by checking my galleries)

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Fierce competition this month especially with 2b hoping for Kat anyway though.


Loves me some 2b but shes got plenty of porn as is so I'll vote for the Gravity queen(Kat) instead.


Sheena needs more love ;w;


It's gonna be tough unless Kat fans unite, still a lot of days left though.


Yeah, looks like the ninja girl is gonna stay pure unless some sort of miracle happens.