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Don't see your suggestion? It may have been omitted for the following reasons:

  • I'm got too many suggestions so I had to make a selection. I primarily base it on patron's monthly patronage, to avoid spam suggestions, so increasing your monthly patronage to above the minimum may increase your suggestion's chances to enter next month.
  • Your latest pledges were still declined when I made the poll. Resolving pledge issues before the 5th or so should keep this from happening. You need to make a new suggestion for next month.
  • Your suggestion came in too late, so it will be considered for next month's poll instead. If you want you can overwrite it by making a new suggestion.
  • Your suggestion has performed very poorly in a recent poll or was from a disallowed franchise.

the Poll

  • A full pic of the winner will be drawn the following month, the rest may be drawn if I think it'd be a good idea.
  • Weighted Vote Poll - Your vote's weight is equal to your total patronage during the month (up to 100 points).
  • Poll closes sometime after the end of the month.
  • You can vote for multiple characters. All your votes have the full weight of your patronage during the month (up to 100 points).
  • You can change your votes at any point until the poll is closed.

Wanna suggest a character for next poll?

» Character submission form & rules «


Character suggested by ThousandDragon. Results in the attachment below.

Useful Links

Sponsor a character: » Patron Commissions «
Poll stuff: » Latest Polls « | » Suggestion rules & submission form «




Idk how many times Asuka has been outvoted but please just once! Megumin has had loads...


Please shalltear hahaha


Cmon Asuka


God damn I need some neocoill hu Tao in my life


hu, ei, ram, ai. i guess i just like short names


Bro it’s either konosuba or MHA that always sweeps these polls. At least give the others a chance

Amir McClain

Need more Aqua (Konosuba) honestly.


Hu tao please we have had Megumin enough


elmaaaaa to finish the dragon maid's


ei is bae just wish she had more votes :')