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Paid post will arrive within the next ~24 hours.
Get the higher tier rewards by pledging at the $5 tier before it drops
(Coillectors can just request it early next month).

- Rewards -

(Reminder: Rewards are sent early next month after Patreon's charging cycle. Coillectors via email and $2.5 & $5 tier patrons via Patreon Messages.

Explorer tier ($2.5) gets:
PSD & Artwork at Mid Res (1500px longest side).

Researcher tier ($5) gets:
PSD & Artwork at Hi Res (2550px longest side).

Coillector tier ($10.01+) gets:
As many Coills as you pledge for this Update.

Missed it? Pledge at the Coillector tier to get past Updates!

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Fuck this one is awesome. Is there a way I can give you more money to get more coils? I will only have enough for 3 of the new updades in full res and gumroad doesnt take my card


Lovely 💜 Lovely 💜 Lovely 💜 😍😘🥰


Awesome as always 👏


You should be able to get another Coillector pledge in if you increase your max monthly pledge limit to two by editing your pledge to me here: https://www.patreon.com/pledges Just make sure to edit it back to 1 after this piece's paid post (Update post) goes up tomorrow.