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Just a few things.

  • I'll be accepting "Update Feature" commission requests next month for a limited time, if you're interested please check this link for more detailed info. Afterwards I'm planning on not offering Commissions as an official Coill reward for an unspecified amount of time, so if you were ever interested make sure to give em a look before it's too late.

  • Considering last month's opinion poll, I've decided to continue sending rewards via patreon messages for now.
    I had a couple of strange issues (messages don't seem to be sent properly at times, can't even open them right now) but ultimately it seems to be do what it had to. If it gets too wonky I may simply go back to sending rewards via email as I used to, but for now I'll continue doing things this way.
    Of course Coillectors will continue receiving rewards via email as usual.

  • Lastly, this year I'm considering simply making some of October's pieces Halloween themed (especially for recurring characters) so a Halloween themed poll felt redundant, instead I'll simply allow patrons to make Halloweeny suggestions for September's poll if they want to (as winner would be drawn in October).
    You can make a suggestion via the form linked here.(If you already sent one this month consider resubmitting)

Back to work for me. First Update is planned for the 19th so keep an eye out for that one.


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