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Just a couple of quick notifications.

I think I may manage to make 7 Updates this month, so make sure you have set up a monthly pledge limit if you need to, I don't want any of you guys to have unexpected charges next month.  You can edit your pledge to me here.

Also, early July I'll try sending this month's $2.5 & $5 tier rewards via Patreon's messaging system (Coillectors will continue receiving their rewards via email, as usual). I got a hunch it'd save me a bunch of time that could be better spent making art, gotta be more efficient!

I'll poll you guys around this time in July to see if it was a good experience or if I should go back to doing everything via email.

Now I better get back to work! First Update is planned to go up on the 17th so keep an eye out for it. 


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