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Just yesterday, I found out that there is a message function in the patreon website.

Of course, notifications were showing up.

I ignored it...you could say. I may have been ignoring it. I guess I was ignoring it.

I get unexplainably stressed about emails, contacts and notifications. The mailbox in my house is always swelling. My electricity and gas are shut off immediately, as are my Twitter DMs and Gmail. I have ignored many commissions in the past.

I recognize this as a problem to be overcome.

I will make an effort to check my message box starting today. At the very least, I will change the frequency from 0 to 1.

Since it is a pain to check all the past messages, I would appreciate it if you could send me a new message if you have something important to say.

To those who have sent me messages in the past. I'm really sorry.

And ......

Take care of my store! (Advertising)




massive amounts of mail can make us feel overwhelmed ,set a daily goal that is comfortable for you and sort from oldest to newest ,im rooting for you pall