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Hey Everyone! We hope you are all staying safe in self-quarantine! Sorry for the delay on our usual Friday Dev Update!

This will not be a usual dev blog post, however, we think our time has been really needed elsewhere this week.  This week's post is a personal message from our VReleased Founder.

Currently, our world is in a COVID-19 pandemic. Our team is based in Las Vegas, USA. The Trump administration, the World Health Organisation, and The CDC have all fucked this world up very hard with their mistakes! The Trump administration has not taken any of this seriously and has amplified the already scary problem to epic proportions for us here in the USA!

This is why our team has shifted gears this week in order to start an event to raise money and awareness for a much-needed cause.  We have decided to drop the price "Nympho Trainer VR" to $14.99, so more people can afford it, and we'll be donating 100% of our profits from our websites for a full week to "Three Square COVID-19 Emergency Food Fund".  

Our voice actress Little Squirtles is also partnering with us for this event. She has made a special video that will be available across all of her channels/platforms called "Quarantine & Chill" for $14.99. 100% of the profits from this video will be donated as well.  Her video will be launched today, Monday the 30th.

A lot of places are going through hard times, and here, in our city of Las Vegas, we are going to be hit incredibly hard. Most of our jobs revolve around Casinos & Entertainment; service jobs that can’t go remote. Well over 200,000+ locals are already out of a job, and the number keeps rising every day, causing many to need major assistance, among the other less fortunate people who are already poverty-stricken.  This number is only going to get worse!

We have done lots of research on making sure it goes to the right place, and have decided on Three Square because it’s established enough to have the needed distribution platforms to accomplish its goal of feeding starving people in need during this COVID-19 pandemic.

At the end of the week, I, the VReleased founder will be matching the money raised by NymphoTrainer.com, ContentForCovid.com & "Quarantine & Chill" video sales with my own personal funds; up to $20,000 USD. 

We bought a new domain named ContentForCovid.com. This site will offer bundles of "Nympho Trainer VR + Quarantine & Chill" for $20.00, $50.00 and $100.00. You will receive the same bundle for each of these options, it would just be for people who want to support the cause more.

I am not a multi-millionaire, and we are not a multi-million dollar company. This is a substantial donation for my company and me at this time, while our economy is suffering. 

Even though we can't throw a million dollars at this like some of the huge fortune 500 companies, I think we need to get the word out to let people know every dollar counts right now. 

Give anything you can afford to. $20,000 equals 60,000 meals with this charity! That is life-changing for a ton of people! I think we can raise far more than that, but this is a good start!

We launched this event, called #ContentForCovid, today Monday the 30th at 12:01am and will go through Sunday the 5th at 11:59pm. #ContentForCovid

If you have any social influence or have any communities you could spread awareness for this event, it would be greatly appreciated! We are just about to release our public-facing posts via Reddit and Twitter. If you can't afford to give money, we totally understand! Instead, please donate your time to spread this everywhere you can!

I have completely lost faith in the CDC, WHO, and our US government. I realize we, as people, have to come together right now and help this problem ourselves! Although we are donating to our local charity because they are incredibly in need right now, we know this is an international problem! We plan to partner with other sex workers to promote a greater message, to give what you can, where you can! Just like we are supporting our local community, you too should be looking into what you can do for people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in your region too. If you haven't lost your job over this, and you were fortunate enough to be able to go to remote operations, please utilize your funds to give back to people who are not so fortunate.

We can do this in many ways, one of which is STAY IN SELF QUARANTINE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE! This will greatly lower the infected cases for our hospital workers on the front lines! I can't stress enough how important this is! Another is finding creative ways to generate money for people in need, that can be as simple as spreading a message on blogs, forms, friends, it doesn't matter... it all adds up!

We will be making public posts today about "Content for COVID", we will also make a Patreon post with links to all of our public posts later today. If you can be ready to Upvote on Reddit, ReTweet on twitter, and or re-post our event details on any blogs or forum communities you are a part of, it would be greatly appreciated! Remember, helping us spread the word is just as good as a monetary donation!

We love you all, we hope you will stand by us with a common goal to help people in need at a critical time.

If you have any ideas, want to help, or have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me personally at my event email address  Nick@ContentForCovid.com 

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and on behalf of the whole VReleased team, we thank you for any help you are willing to give!


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