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Sorry for the delay this (last) week!

I've been jumping from wedding to wedding this month, and it's taking it's toll. But let's get down to business yes?

We got a fun comic with Marnie and Gloria fooling around a pond! That's what you would think if you where that Impidimp over there. Easy prey to cause grief, eh?

Poor lad. He's gonna get the beating of a lifetime here. All in the name of filling up the Pokédex, of course. No real Impidimp was harmed during or after the making of this comic.

Hope you guys like it! Don't worry if you don't understand what these lovely ladies are saying.

I don't understand it either.

Thanks once again for your infinite patience and support! Thanks to you, I'm getting married next year too! So, thank you all, for making it possible. I come from these over the top weddings, and I'm aiming for some smaller scope, more intimate, more classical marriage. I hope. I can't with another monster wedding even if it is mine.

I'll go back to work now. A lot of work to catch up to. Catch you all later, remember to get the winter clothes ready!




This one came out great!


oh dear! what do they have planned for him?


So just the steps are downloadable?


What a fantastic scene, and that dialog is great haha! Congratulations on your marriage!


Love the dialogue here!


Fantastic comic! Its got eye candy and comedy and I love the use of the accent for the dialogue. Also early congratulations on your wedding!

Gopher Chucks

Nice to see Gloria again since SwSh's announcement. Also, congrats on your marriage!


Is there supposed to be a non-steps rar file with the different variations? bush / shaved, etc.


Oh fuck, give me a second, it seems I messed up somehow. Thanks for the heads up!


I've just fixed the rar with the different versions! Thanks for letting me know!

Anonymous Profile

Oof, that bottom right panel is *chef's kiss*