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Before you ask, yes. Hannah is very, very cold in this image.

It's time for that once in a month text post again, if you're not interested in text, carry on :)

I'd first like to put out a little list of the things that are currently in the works, and that can be expected before the end of the year:

Hannah's Story: the Zoo comic is well under way but still requires some work. It is incredibly hard for me to gauge just how much time is needed because I need to make quite a few assets myself. This will be fine though! I really hope to get it out before December.

Lee's Battle: some pages have been added but requires some extra effort/time.

Lexi's Growth: some pages have been added but requires some extra effort/time.

Vanessa's Story: the first few pages have been created, but the first two episodes feature very little muscular goodness, so I want to create at least 4-5 episodes before releasing it!

I really plan to press home on these comics, working my ass of nearly every day to get them out there!

Of course the weekly sets, Wednesday sets and plenty in between content will still come! Some of the Wednesday sets are growing out to be their own little comics as well, which is fine! But i'll keep updating them bit by bit rather then trying to make full comics out of the in one go.

And once again a massive thank you for your support of course! I hope to make a huge announcement in December concerning this Patreon, but that will have to wait just a few weeks :)


Patrick Schweigardt

I volunteer to cuddle her and help her warm up!


I guess it makes sense to keep balance in stories one hand and drawing perfection other hand. Both need attention and time. Make some time for yourself as well. A change of focus now and then won't hurt you. It's obvious that drawing comics is your passion and obsession, you will not lose that I guess and you don't need to prove anybody. It's not your job to keep us from boredom. Make us hungry! 😀

Kim Danver

That's good news for Super Vanessa, can't wait for the next episode.🤩 But does that mean you're give up and abandoning the Hailey project ?😢


Thanks! And don't worry, I definitely pick my times to completely turn away from making these as well, only to quickly return to making them because it's itching afterwards :)