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To celebrate hitting 1,000 Patrons (I expect to no longer have this number at the EOD, but hey, celebrate the victories when I can), I'm announcing an art contest for Beneath the Dragoneye Moons!

Everyone can participate! Even if you don't read the story! Granted, you'll have a hard time if you don't read the story, but hey. I don't discriminate.

Winners will be decided 70% by Patreon Voting, 30% by my own judgement. Which is to say, if a poorly drawn mango gets the most votes over an epic high-quality piece, just due to the meme potential, I'll use my own judgement to declare the epic high-quality piece the winner.

There might also be run-offs, depending on how many submissions I get. We'll see!

The prize pool is 550$ (US) split as follows, and will be paid out over Paypal:

1st: 250$

2nd: 150$

3rd: 75$

4th: 50$

5th: 25$

Almost anything is fair game for the drawing. Unless it'd cause legal trouble. 

Don't cause the author legal trouble.

Please upload your work to Artstation, DeviantArt, Imgur, or some other hosting site that I can access without an account. That means not Instagram, that means no Pintrest, etc. If I can't see your submission, it might as well not exist.

You can submit more than one submission, but if they're low quality, I'll probably toss all but the one I think is best. AKA Please don't spam me with a bunch of 30 second MS paint drawings. 

Please include in your submission a short description of the piece, the name you'd like to be credited with, and your paypal address in case you win.

All rights are retained by the artists. Winning submissions will be posted on Discord, RoyalRoad, and Patreon. If I want more rights, I'll contact you again in the future.

Message me if you've got any more questions!

Cheers, good luck, and have fun!




So you're saying an epic, high-quality mango is bound to win?


So what's the time frame we are talking about?


https://imgur.com/a/IG53Owk I like mangos too. I might make a better one if i find time. I hope photo editing counts, its my only artistic talent. The peice is the quest for the fruit of the gods. If i win my paypal email is Caiusreece@hotmail.co.uk. I go by the name Reaper.

Melting Sky

Huh, I didn't even notice this until just now. I HIGHLY recommend you post a notice or two about this contest in a variety of different places that people's eyeballs are likely to cross paths with. This a popular story and you are even offering quite nice prizes without any of the nasty small print you sometimes see about snatching the rights to the artwork away from the creators who compete.


https://imgur.com/WISLaBC This is my secon submission. Mangosnail. A snail enriched with the wounderful mango. Or he just painted his shell. Either wya, enjoy. Email for paypal. Caiusreece@hotmail.co.uk I just go by Reaper.


Art for the contest and your enjoyment, https://www.artstation.com/artwork/L3yYRw https://www.artstation.com/artwork/v28o6D