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What a blessed union we make on this podcast.


Podquisition 219: The Comrade Comedy Hour by Jimquisition

What a blessed union we make on this podcast.


Russell Garrett

Hey Jim. I’ve been back and forth on writing this. I get the idea I’m in the minority here, but I wanted to let you know. The first twenty minutes or so of this episode were pretty alienating for me. I’m a capitalist. Not a conservative per-se, I’m about as socially liberal as you can get, and I truly loathe the attitude of most conservatives. But fiscally, I learn to the right. What Activision did was awful, an undeniably cuntish act. But capitalism is not at fault here. Individuals are. You (and many others in the mainstream gaming press) have bought up Iwata cutting his salary. That’s all well and good, but Nintendo is as much capitalist mega corp as Activision, EA or any of the others. Iwata took a pay cut because he was a good, honourable man. Not because he wasn’t a capitalist. Infact, Japan’s collective capitalism causes huge issues in their society. Issues that are often totally overlooked by exactly the same people who preach that a developer (I’m a developer, and many of us work long hours because we want to) who might work more than an eight-hour day is all but having their human rights violated. I genuinely think that blanket blaming capitalism and any capitalist for what Activision did is literally as disingenuous as blaming any socialist for what is happening in Venezuela. Both takes are reductive and inaccurate I’m not intending to pull my support or anything. I like your spicier takes, I don’t always agree with them but I rarely feel insulted by them. I like your work because it’ll either reinforce my view, or sometimes outright change it for the better. I’m sorry to say in this instance, it wasn’t really either. It just came off as somewhat.... petulant. I mean no disrespect. I’ve got nothing but good will for yourself, Gav and Laura. Podquisition is a highlight of my podcast week and I look forward to that continuing for many years. If you want to slate capitalism that’s fine, I’d just like you to remember that plenty of us are good, reasonable people. But not Bobby Kotick, he's a cunt. A bulbous, pulsating, massive flabby cunt.


As a union man myself, I gotta agree with Jim here-- as far as my nonunion counterparts are concerned, I might as well be working for Beelzebub hisself, and it makes no sense to me. They took me in, taught me a trade, and guarantee me a good living with health care benefits and retirement. Who wouldn't want that?

Russell Garrett

Thats cool. I'm genuinly glad its working for you (no snark intended, tone is hard with text) but I'm not unionised and I get all of those benefits. Thats why I think it's important to judge everything on a case by case basis.


Chapo go on Podquisition


Not to be contrarian, but Club Bars are awful. They were the kind of biscuit you'd be forced to settle with if there wasn't anything else to eat. Wagon Wheels on the other hand; <i>that's</i> a chocolate biscuit I can get behind!