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Download vamX.Police_Station.1 - for VaM 1.20.77.x

Or download the vamX Police Station from Mega


Make sure you have downloaded the latest version of vamX from: https://www.patreon.com/vamx?filters[tag]=Download%20vamX

Then Download vamX.Police_Station.1 and put it in your VAM/AddonPackages folder. Don't unzip var files!


If you've never used vamX before start here:
vamX Installation & Help
vamX Getting Started Tutorial (after the vamX package is in your AddonPackages folder)




Hey, fantastic environment. Thank you :) I can't seem to get the poses to load anywhere other than the couch in the main office. Am I doing something wrong, or is it only set up for poses in this location?


Yeah, so most environments only have a single location for all poses, but in the next version of vamX, probably April 2nd, there will be a button right on the first page of poses that lets you drag poses anywhere you want in the scene (and have the location remain for other poses, so all lying down poses would then load in the new location).


Links dead for Prison & Police


I just checked and both Mega and Gofile links work for both this asset and the prison. Try again... Maybe something is blocking your access to both Mega and Gofile? Please let me know what address you are going to that doesn't work.