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Hi everyone.

First of all, please understand that this notice used Google Translator, not my translator. I wanted to inform you as soon as possible.

Today I want to inform you of one change.
The furry reward specified in the all reward will be modified.
It still draws furry, but orc will be added and maybe orc will be drawn more often.
The reason for this change is that it is a little difficult for me to draw furry.

I've been drawing furry for more than 2 years, but I didn't have my own furry style. Their faces became a different style each time and I got stressed out about it.

Plz note that I am not hating furry. It doesn't mean that I will stop practicing painting furry. I just want to draw on a subject that can show you better results.

I'm sorry to those who supported me after seeing my furry paintings.





I love your orcs! ☺


I prefer orcs, so I hope you will continue to draw more in the future

Carey Brown

I am here for your art, whatever you decide to draw. Plus I like orcs too. Thank you for everything.

Lord Memnar

Orc daddy meats please.


I like all your art - human, furry, werewolves, orcs, etc. For orcs specifically, ones like this one stand out because I really like the way you draw latex/leather https://www.instagram.com/p/BQnr2rCgCjk/


Oh, that's okay ... Of course you should do what you are better and more confident in. Do not worry! I love this green orc!


I like the "level" work with the orcs like your recent twitter photo. More pictures like that would be great!