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Hey there.

So it seems that you are interested in more previews. At the same time, some of you want to only see the final product, so I think I came up with compromise: I will post the previews in the form of link, if you don't want to see it, don't click it.


This animation is actually ready and rendered, however I decided to challenge myself and add something to it. Some of you are also asking for longer stuff, so that plays into it as well.

For example I have some more ideas for this particular girl combo, so in future I will use the same room and eventually can combine it into a longer movie.

As for the actual longer project, I am indeed working on something together with Supro. I'll admit the progress is slow, we are still figuring out the flow of working together. Also the first scene has some story elements, which always take the most time.


Bob Fink

Very awesome and so hot!


Oh My God…this "is" my favorite girl combo! And I am being calm : )


This was great, looking forward to the rest