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It was pretty close to start with, but then some leaders started to emerge and took the W. Congrats to Itto! He will be getting a nice new picture when I can catch up enough to get to this term. I'll be posting a schedule of pictures for my catchup shortly to get everyone updated.

A little note of awkwardness and a flub on my part for anyone who wants to read:

Long story short, I wanted new characters for the poll. I accepted Itto into the poll knowing I had intentions and ideas for him, but nothing started. Ran into issues on a current wip for the next term I am catching up on. Decided to start a new picture with an idea I've had for a while that included Itto (after the poll had already started) and I like it enough that I'm going forward with it instead.

Realized it would be awkward that I wanted new characters and started a picture for someone already in the poll during the prelim, and then of course Itto gained more votes, moved on to the final, and now he's won lol. Was hoping someone else would edge him out, but too many people are horny for oni 😔

Considered delaying my wip, but it's not a solo piece so I don't wanna take away from the actual Itto pic. It's my bad for allowing Itto into the poll with intentions to draw him, but at that point I hadn't started anything. I feel guilty that he won instead of another character who hasn't been drawn. Though in reality, although Itto won the May 2022 poll, it will be some time before I catch up to present in my backlog of pictures, so we'll have a while in between.

But yeah, sorry about that. And the lengthy explanation.

 TLDR we're getting 2 Itto pictures in next months instead of 1.




From one creator to another, I don’t think you should feel obligated to do the polls all the time. If you feel inspired, rock that shit. It helps with burnout and I, for one, would rather see you draw stuff you’re inspired by than be shackled by community polls and wavering opinions. You always do great work


Thanks! It's more that I specifically wanted new characters for the poll, then like un-new'd one of the characters and they ended up winning, if that makes sense. I still like my current wip and have no regrets working on it, more that I kind of contradicted the poll results? Idk lol, hindsight and all that


I’m just gonna say, you might have started Itto before he won, but it’s obvious we wanna see your drawings of Itto, and I can only speak for myself on this, but I’m happy with anything you make, your art is fucking amazing! And I never mind waiting, quality and a happy artist over quantity!

Ryan Fox

Your art is amazing Blud but yeah I was kinda disappointed we the poll result caused us to miss out on Alex at least