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Hi all, still in my wacko headspace and just can't bring myself to draw :( 

If I'm being honest the only reason the January term still happened was because I was too busy with family/christmas/new year stuff that by the time I remembered to pause the January term it was too late.

I know I got a lot of new patrons from the most recent picture on twitter. Rest assured, even though things are slow and I'm behind, if you paid for a term you will get the rewards for that term, even if it takes a bit for me to get there.

I sent the poll suggestions out yesterday so there should be more news soon regarding that.

Thanks for your patience! <3



Take all the time you need, we love you Blud!


Hope you get to a better headspace soon, for your own well being.


don't worry, take as much time as you want &lt;3


Don’t worry, take all the time you need and want! 🤗💚


Don't worry about it, man. Life gets busy sometimes and there's nothing we can do to change that. Keep being an awesome person and enjoy your process. Don't get caught up with things you can't/couldn't change 💜