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Just wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and happy holidays regardless of what you celebrate! Thanks again to everyone still sticking with me while I inch along lol.

Predictably Endwalker pretty much grinded my art progress to a halt but I'm getting back into it. Hopefully the next picture will be posted soon and more progress on following pics after. Unfortunately I'll very likely be continuing the payment hiatus through January but I will make another post when that happens.

Hope you got everything you wanted this year, stay safe!

<3 Blud




Endwalker was sooooo good. 100% can’t blame you.


Merry Christmas to you as well!


With them damn login queues (savage), I understand if the hiatus takes a while 🤪


Aw thank you, Blud &lt;3 good luck, a whole lot of us are here with you every Inch of the way.


Thanks Blud and Merry Christmas to you as well.