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Just a heads up I'm pausing my pledges for November as well, nothing new but continued patrons will not be charged for November. 

Still playing catch up, and with Animal Crossing, FFXIV, and now Minecraft updates all approaching quickly well, I'm going to try and get as much drawing done as I can. Hopefully the April rewards can be sent out soon!



If you didn't join in April but have been here for a while do u get the reward? Also thanks for letting us know about the pausing and that


If you were a patron at all during April then the rewards will be sent to you automatically. But if not, I'll be posting a gumroad link here for all current patrons to use if they want to get the rewards at normal tier prices. So it'd just cost the same amount it would have been if you had been pledged if that makes sense.


Is there a way to get a second set for April? I want to send one to a friend.


Uhhhh, I haven't really set anything up for that though I suppose you could just give them the gumroad link or something like that?


I'd appreciate it. :3 Unless it costs more. I'd like you to get a fair amount for it.


For a short time it'll be the same price as a normal patreon pledge ($5 or $10 depending on what you select) for all current patrons or if you give them the link. After that it'll increase in price when it goes to my gumroad for the public


I just paid for this month


There is always an entry fee for the first month pledged, regardless of if the patreon's billing is paused or not, since you gain access to the past posts and other benefits like discord servers etc. it just won't continue charging you until the page is activated again.


Oh okay I think I get it. So I'd need to buy it for say like $5 oki np