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Hi everyone! Just want to give a timeline update so you can visualize rewards and shit. Also PLEASE DON'T PANIC THAT I'M SO FAR BEHIND! I'm getting ready to start getting characters from Ice Cream patrons for the May poll, but I wanted to just give a heads up on where we are. 


  • If you're a patron you will get the rewards you paid for, no matter the delay
  • Past rewards that are finished late will be offered to current patrons at the same price as a normal tier ($5/10)
  • Ice Cream tier pictures are only for the $20 patrons on my feed, but ALL of the term pictures will be sent to all patrons of that term. 
  • The rest of the completed pictures will have at least an uncensored version or two posted here, for all patrons to see. (See Chongyun and Mako Remaster posts as an example)

I know I sound like a broken record constantly being behind and apologizing, and I know a lot of you that comment have no problem with waiting, but I'm sure there are some who want the pictures on a more timely manner and I can't blame them.

Drawing these have gotten slower and slower, but hopefully the final product makes up for it. Please feel free to comment/message me if you have any other questions or anything about all of this! I'll try and respond to all of them and also keep this timeline updated with future posts.




Ryan Fox

Hey, slow timing or fast, as long as you keep drawing, I'll keep subscribing 😉