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I am so sorry that it is now August and I didn't get the MDTMBH?! pages done in time for July. I will do my best to make up for it this month, please bear with me. There was downright *way* too much going on last month. 

Hope you all are doing well! If you were at CAP, I am jealous but hope you had a wonderful time!



Yes, I looked for TBS on the 29th at Cushy .... so I figured you were swamped. We can wait :)


my posting days for TBS at CushyPen are only on the 9th and 19th, so that is why there was no new page! But yes, every single weekend in July something huge was going on. I am exhausted. Thank you so much for your patience


Oops ... my bad. I knew there was a '9' in the date. Just my anticipation getting out of control. :)