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I was surprised that this choice won the poll ngl, you guys are so wholesome T^T

I've finished the render on Nana but now the hard part is to draw the background.... I also tried to make it look like she's wearing silk pj's so I hope that turned out well!

Secondly, I'm back on that comic grind! I took a long hiatus because it burnt me out but I've found the motivation to work on it again, though there's no update schedule as I really don't want to go through another burnout and end up abandoning the project... which hurts me to even think about aaaaaaaaaaaaa

For those who don't know, FOUR QUARTERS is the whole reason why I got into art in the first place and the story is a personal one. It's also where Nana came from!
The art is noob af since I never went back to change it but it's nostalgic (meanwhile eye gouging - to me) and I know that those who stick with the story, are there purely for it and not just "pretty art" 

And that means a lot ♥




looks great!! can’t wait for Four Quarters! also pokies 👀


Amazing as always! I can’t wait to see more!


AHHHH FOUR QUARTERS RETURN!!!!!! AHHH I CANT WAIT!! Also, Nana's pajamas look so soft and silky!! <3


Yay i'm glad the pajamas look right! and thanks for waiting!!!!! It's about time I got back to it :3c


All I’m sayin is I would love to drink with nana