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AYO IT'S 2021 BABY. And rewards were sent out!

So Nana's story is continuing as well but since I'm also a genshin addict and cannot decide on which waifu to draw next they are also in the poll if you have a preference!

For those who are new, it's a long read but I'm trying something out with these polls for better engagement and fun! Check out this post for the full deets but if it's TLDR just pick your preference LOL


OPTION A: I'm torn between keqing, ganyu and fiscl, who'd you like to see first?

OPTION B: Nana, after being half naked this entire month, finally got to put on the shirt Kazuki lent her. What should happen next?

  • Nana peeks out of the room, asking him if he has something a bit smaller (I'm thinking some low angle panty shot from the back kind of illustration for this - booty angle)
  • Nana nonchalantly tugging his shirt from the back "you gave me this one on purpose didn't you?" - booba angle

Messy sketch of the above options:



Can we have BOTH booty and booba lmao


Yes please! We want both!!!!!


Nana! Nana! NANA!


Nana Booty and Booba all the way