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After 4 years of hiatus... Making progress!




That’s really awesome 🤩

Leon K

Better late than never.


Wow good for you. Im glad you have the motivation to keep going. Id be lying if i said i wasn't jealous. I struggle with even getting up in the morning sometimes or i think i can cure cancer or something absurd. I have bipolar basically. And no not made up. Clinically diagnosed. And your in my top 5 of favorite artists. I wish i had the confidence and courage to do what you do. sadly i dont yet. so seeing you keep going after 4 years gives hope. Thanks for inspiration. ❤️😊

Waffle Blitzkrieg

It's nice to see you working on non nsfw content now and again


Just realized I can like posts... oof


Lookang cool! The smok child reminds me of Madeline