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To explain Diamond situation you have to understand that she been trapped in with Russell for so long she believes there no way out and that it's better to do what he says then to try and betray him and was willing to take Kristina and Callie in just to save herself. Stef and her partner have tried to get her to build a case against him but she too scared of what he would do even if Callie and Daphne tried to force her back to GU she would try to get away somehow I don't think anything they said would have convince her otherwise as for the time they waited I don't think it was as long as you think my guess it was only like a short while that they were waiting. Callie could have come up with a different solution but she probably figured there was no other option then for one of them to go with Diamond and have Stef track her phone to rescue them soon sometimes there isn't enough time to think clearly and you end up choosing what could potentially be a risky or dangerous choose maybe there was another way out of this but these girls didn't think there was at the moment.