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Merry Christmas!

Reminder that the December polls are up! You can also start submitting nominations for January, and the December stream recordings are up for those interested!

★ Nothing significant.

★ I wrote an app to fuse stream recordings together without it being a pain, so the recordings should be a little better organized from here on out.  It can also produce timelapses, and I'm considering if it would be worth it to develop a thing for the gallery that would allow timelapses to be viewable from the item display, like a little button next to the source file link maybe?  I'm not sure what the general opinion on timelapses is.

★ If you have any strong opinions about this month's "but what if they were colored?" approach with the sketches, let me know!  It takes way longer to do than the usual aesthetic gray type, but it'd probably be better for growth.  Gibb der feedback pls.
★ Also side-note, if the sketchy colors become more frequent I'm probably going to change the color vote's name from "color" to "finish" or something; I don't want people thinking that their favorite picture of Aria being rammed is unqualified because it already has some quick colors on it.
★ I've added Live2d to my learning pile, so expect shenanigans in that department to bubble up somewhere in here.

Thanks for a stellar year everyone!




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