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Reminder that the November polls are up! You can also start submitting nominations for December, and the November stream recordings are up for those interested!

★ End of the year's coming; if any of you have more suggestions with how to best handle/update/etc the campaign, drop em over in the bloated inbox!

★ Updated the Gallery's code to accommodate currency conversion.  Those of you who are pledging with something other than USD should see your pledges automatically updated to the USD equivalent instead of being served as raw numbers by the API.

★ Upgraded to a bigger Wacom tablet from my little Huion.  No more diagonal jitter and a LOT more screen space, the only problem is this introduced a lot of technical hurdles (CSP and Flash's UI's don't load as high DPI unless the Wacom's set to be the main monitor, Lazy Nezumi in Flash seems to be having tracking issues, etc), but I'm ironing them out.  Oddly enough, the application which handled the 4k jump the best was Sai, lmao.  The migration hasn't been as smooth as I'd hoped (which is why I've been under water so much this month), but it's still moving forward bit by bit.  I still haven't figured out the best way to set up around it (it doesn't just sit on the desk like the Huion did, so at the moment I'm sitting twisted when I use it), but once I figure out that dilemma it should be smoother sailing back to the heavy projects.
★ Migrating from Sai 2 to Clip because I feel like it has a lot more to offer paint-wise, and also doesn't choke like Photoshop does.  I haven't yet been able to replicate the same feel or fully gotten used to the UI yet, but we're getting there.  The Aria painting was a mix of both.
★ I moved all the streaming and recording stuff over to Obs Studio instead of the older version that I've been using since forever.  Also set the recordings to be higher quality.

Hope your tastes all find something enjoyable in this month's rollout; thanks guys /u\.

