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Happy new year lovely patrons! 

I hope you all managed to have a lovely holiday as safely as was possible. It's been a very odd year, one that I struggle to wrap my head around because it both felt so long and like it never happened. Where did 2020 go anyway? On my end it's been a mess of trying to track down lost postal orders and making the best of a year where I didn't get to see my friends and family at all. I'm keeping my chin up though, and coming back to ya with some stream dates and things!


  • Thursday the 14th at 2PM GMT - Streaming the cover of CF Chapter #5
  • Monday the 18th at 8PM GMT - Streaming TSoS Pg. #43
  • Friday the 22nd at 2PM GMT - Request Stream


This year, the fourth chapter of Cinderfrost is gonna be finished and we're moving into Chapter #5! This will mean the completion of this arc, which in itself feels like a crazy thing. I've been working on this comic a long time, and I know that sometimes updates can be frustratingly slow, but I just wanted to thank you all for sticking with me through it! Comics take so long to make and I just feel lucky to be able to share it with you all <3 We should also be reaching the end of The Sword of Souls in 2021 (though it will take a few more months still).


I'm mulling this over at the moment. There are still stories I'd like to tell in this universe, and there will definitely be room for further exploration. Not everything will be tied up. What direction we take though is still in the air. There's a possibility of continuing with one storyline at a time in comic form, with short stories (written with sketches or illustrations) that flesh out other characters and plotlines on the side, but that will largely depend on how much I can fit into my time. I'd also like to consider taking some commissions once these comics are completed. 

What I'd really love is to have some time dedicated to artistic development. I still feel really stagnant; part of that is because living in isolation for a year has left me pretty bereft of new experiences, but the other part is just that I've settled into a way of drawing comics and commissions for so long that it's habitual, and I need to try new things to break those habits. Some of this might mean drawing more in CSP and on my iPad, so if I can do these sorts of explorations I'll share them with ya!

Please feel free to let me know what you'd like to see! Once again, hope all of you are doing well, sending much love!



I'd love to see more comics, commissions, and any artistic experimentation you do! I love your furry work, but I'd also be really interested to see anything new that you try, once it's to a point where you're comfortable showing it to anyone.


wait wait wait.....Arc? what do you mean by Arc? like theres gonna be more???? Also yea I'd like to see anything really. your art is beautiful weather NSFW or SFW would be awesome if you did another pin-up or comic involving kana, nikki, or taryn (sorry those are my favorite characters XD)