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Hey everyone! I have to reschedule the request stream for two reasons: the first is that I have a family zoom chat tonight, the second is that I'm a scatterbrained eejit and totally forgot to post the form. T_T It's been a busy week trying to get Christmas presents together and ship them in time to reach all our family abroad, since we won't be seeing anyone this year, so I beg for the spirit of holiday forgiveness on this one.

In the mean time, here is the form to fill out for a request! This month I'm going to do holiday-themed portraits! I want to try something a little different. Please fill out the form below!

Fill out the form here!

The stream will be on Friday the 18th at 8PM GMT! 

Can't wait to do these! I may try using CSP because I'm getting nicer looking sketches out of it, but we'll see! Hope to see you there <3


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