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Thank youuuuu once again for all the donations and support! This month I will be purchasing horizon zero dawn anddd the rest will go towards a new CPU (you might have seen me tweet about it) ☺️☺️ sorry I haven't been very active on here, life is mad being a third year and I'm so sleep deprived and going crazy BUT THATS OKAY! But seriously thank you guys, couldn't do this without you and the massive amounts of support you give me! Anyways I'm still at uni and I should probably go home and eat seeing as it's currently 9:36pm and I've been here all dayyyyy! So yeah horizon zero dawn coming soon, plus I'll probably record another episode of either Nioh or resident evil tonight, because who needs sleep!!?! Yup I'm rambling! Lots of love, Alyce xxxx❤️❤️❤️❤️


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