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Let’s go Highwire!


I only learned the existence of Highwire a few days ago. Seeing her on here is honestly not surprising lol.


Who the fuck is Highwire?


Same. I don’t really follow Fortnite, or Epic Games since they stopped caring about Jazz Jackrabbit, Epic Pinball and Unreal Tournament.


I know Ginger will never going to make it (especially along with a Fortnite character, as they are represent two completely different eras of Epic Games [the artist of Jazz Jackrabbit was the one behind Dust: An Elysian Tail], appealing to two completely different types of gamers), but I’m proud that at least she got into the poll in the first place.


I used to love Epic Games as a child, growing up on Jazz Jackrabbit and Unreal Tournament on my old Windows 98 PC, getting fragged constantly from those older players and seeing them shit-talking in the chat. Those were the times. Fortnite doesn’t feel like the game I expect from a daring game company Epic was before that. They settled with the Chinese, Fortnite and Unreal Engine money. No problems with people liking Fortnite, it’s just that its style is incompatible in my head to what I expect from Epic Games, thus, alienating me.


Someday. Someday we'll get Shantae.