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While I didn't reach my personal goal of finishing Parts 9 and 10 within the month, Part 10 is in the works. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, folks!




Zachary M Rivera

You're almost there Sid you can do it


I know you’re probably ready to be done with this, but there is a part of me that wants to see an epilogue of Yvonne with her blue ribbon prize and the soccer trophy/all three of them all fat and blue post juicing about how they’re doing


I'm curious on how you're deciding the sizes; given that karen gained at least ten since the last time but seems about the same size. still, I'm glad to see more updates of this, even now!


Better get the power washer ready for that brick wall.


I tried to show her top getting tighter and her bust getting heavier, more weighted down overall. Not sure how successful I was but that’s the intent.


Oh yeah I can see that! she's a bit of a strangely shaped berry, but I like it. I think of the three, she's my favorite? I think if you ever did a sequel or brought the characters back for things, I'd like to see more of her.


oh boy...if Yvonne is this big now I can't wait to see part 10!