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I'm thinking about changing the pledge plan.

Here's some idea I have in my mind.

Plan A-

- Minimum pledge is 3$

- 2 regular update

- 1 patron nominated update

(A post gather Patron's idea, select the most liked comment as nominated update for next month)

- Can select one of the past monthly reward

- 1 monthly reward for that month

Plan B-

- Minimum pledge is 2$

- 2 regular update

- Can select one of the past monthly reward

- 2 monthly reward for that month

And if there's VN product, it would require 5$ pledge to access it, VN might contains single/multiple fetish options

If the plan is applied, post before 2021 can still be access with 1$ pledge, but later post would require new pledge(2$/3$) to access

This is based on the concern that the file is now hosted on Google Drive, it would require extra fee to keep it available.

If the plan isn't changed, depends on situation, I might or might not change the pledge.

If there's someone leak/steal my content, I will take action immediately (block/blacklist)


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