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Hello Everyone,

It's been a while since I've written a bit, sorry about that.

Things are... not great on the RL. I'm sorry to say that as things have progressed, treatments for my mother have been exhausted and she has opted to be put into hospice/palliative care at home to be made as comfortable as possible as things progress to their inevitable conclusion.

My silence over the last few weeks is due to this. I've been spending as much time as I can with her while continuing Emi and Fuki's set as much as possible during quiet times. Frankly, I just haven't had much desire to talk to many people.

However, work continues in as good a capacity as I can put out through what's happening.

Polls will be returning for October. Seeing as how it's usually a very fun time of the year in FabPharma HQ for cosplays, spooky/sexy themes, and some crazier things, I don't think this year should be any different :)

Also, I've been teasing Becky's remake for a while now, and I'm pretty happy where she's at currently. I wanted to do something more involved but I think that'll be coming in v_08.

For the meantime, here's a little something of a sneak peek :)

Looking good there, Rebecca. No need to be so bashful :P

As always, a very special thank you to all of you. I hope you enjoy v_07 and have some fun ideas going into v_08 :)

- bd



Brittany Bovine

She looks amazing! I'm sorry to hear about your mom though...let us know if there is anything we can do to help. Otherwise, do what you need to! You and your family should come first! ❤️


I'm sorry to hear about your mom. At least you have time to say your good byes and can settle any regrets with the time you have. Take care and don't fret too much about Patreon.