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First of all - greetings, yes)

I know that recently many people tend to face financial issues and overall life troubles - and had to unsubscribe or lower their pledges. I do understand and respect that, of course, do not worry. Only thing I ask for - is to tell truth if something happens.
Aka "I am lowering because I have financial issues" if you actually have those. Not when you are trying to sweet-talk something through.
I am just as alive as you, people. I will understand whatever is the reason, just be honest about it. Adds to karma.

That said - as always, I'd much love to hear from you) Your ideas, desires, wishes, suggestions for our business and whatnot - not only it is pleasing to be in touch with own audience, it helps me adjusting the workflow. Means - making stuff for you better)

So, go ahead, comments are there for you)

And third part - after 10th I'll start working with hired mocap actors. Means - soon enough you'll start getting moving pictures, not just screenshots.
Which, actually, means that we're getting closer to uploading first builds that will be playable.

A game. About Yaraga, about "Wretched Sun". With music and animations. With story.

Something worth of much...


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