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Congratulations everyone, we made through one quarter of 2020.

*sudden realization there is nine months left*


Okay, let's Quarantine this month in our memories (and never, ever think of it again), and move onto this months word count update!

I managed to complete four commissions this month (one a week, fancy that!), as well as the Pick A Story. I wasn't quite able to complete Chapter 3 for The City this month (or rather, can't post it until next month, sorry!), so I'll save it for next month.

That said, I have written 20,424 words in the previous 31 days. Of course, if you notice, that means that I'm really slipping behind. Hopefully next month, things will stabilize a bit and I can get a lot more done!

So my total for 2020 so far is 78,759 words. That is an absolutely bonkers number.

I want to thank you all for sticking with me as we ride the waves of history. I wish you all the best, and hope you are all keeping safe and washing your hands.


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