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My Dears, I have two news for you :) First, today is my Dies Natalis (Birthday ^-^) and that means the next Saturday I am going to do new gentle art with me and I hope you will like the result :3

Second, last two days I decided to dig a little in prototyping of really global in-game features. Because in the end of each month I say that the street level will be completely redone, that the Game will get bigger world, and I want to peep a little in the future of this. In result - a short video about Servius 'adventures' beyond the walls of 'street' level. Please, do not take seriously this, this is just a technical prototype, but I found this funny. And beautiful :) So you will find the video file 'Beyond.mp4' right in the folder #05 'Game'.

Now an important part, what actually this prototype means for the future of the Game? Some things, which I had never achieved before:

- big world. It was possible to make a random island with nature, so it will be possible to build Rome and its suburbs. I definitely will do this step-wise, even approximate city require absolutely insane amount of work. But I have a workflow now!

- more advanced AI. In the short run NPCs will be able to fight, but I also believe it will be possible for me to make complex things like citizens

- weather and nature. For instance, you will see in the video how a day turns into a night

- battle system. I wanted to get even simple one, and looks like I know how to achieve this. At least it will be possible to get  game over not because of wrong dialogue line or behavior, but because of 'health' parameter has dropped to zero

Now I am getting back on my primary work, my Dears - this is Flavus NSFW stuff in the Game and balneum in the Comic. *hugs you all tightly, my Dears*



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