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A lukewarm standing O. But a standing O nonetheless.

YouTube - https://youtube.com/live/if85R-vBunI

Time Stamps - 

00:00:00 - Start
00:03:48 - Housekeeping
00:04:24 - Post Streaming
00:14:20 - Andy hates long standing “O”s
00:32:20 - what do you wear to relax
00:36:41 - ADS
00:38:30 - Mike Shift Blame on to Roger
00:46:00 - The Office seating arrangement
01:00:00 - the trouble with going out and going to sleep



Out of curiosity I would love to hear some of the business related stuff you guys worry about. The complex chess game in the background that we never see is interesting to me


What's the tier that removes people's sex life from the podcasts?