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Here we go. Version 3.0 with both Anime and Live action (new name, it's real life model) models.

The idea was to release it after the Anime model was ready (as in the pool result), but I had to re-train it with a few modifications, so it gave me time to finish the Live action model.

This version have pretty much the same options for the last update, plus the new models and bug fixes.

Instead of 4 options per model, there is 3 now. You can calculate the flow using 100% of the resolution, 50% and a fixed aspect ratio. The fixed aspect usually is good for most stuff, but you need to try what is best for each footage.

The fixed aspect bigger advantage is that is fast and it will probably never run out of Vram.

So this is it, there was a lot of work for those models, so much training time. It was worth it? You fellows will tell me, I hope find it to your liking and please send me feedback. I already working on tons of new ideas for this and other projects. Stay tuned.


RIFE-App 3_0.rar



Thank you and keep up the good work!


Those DLL's should be in the right folder, are you opening the .exe directly? What path is the app folder?


I fixed this problem by being add environment setting of the path pyqt5 in your folder. Also I test some anime, and I found the anime_fixed model works better than anime_full model.


The training was made close to the fixed resolution, that's why it should work better in most cases. But it should start to show problems on really big resolutions. Someday I will find a solution that the model is not so Res. dependent.


thank you! Rife is fast becoming my favourite tool