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Ok, don't kill me, but while finishing the code for the app I kept training the model with some new tests, the test made a great improvement on the model, so I had to train it a little more.

But good news, it should be ready tomorrow. Even more good news, during this time I managed to train the RL model as well, so the next update will have both models.

RL model can still be improved, but for that, I need to make a new Dataset myself, so it will take a some time.

Here are two examples for the Animation model:


It still have some small problems, but it can handle edge cases a lot better than the older models.

And here two examples for the RL model.


I left "Perfect loop" turned on, to show that even in impossible interpolations, it don't look that bad.

Both are still in the last steps of training, so they should improve a little more before release.



can't wait to use it!