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New chapter of HitL! It's a tough one, but things are gonna get better from here.

And that cleans out my entire commission backlog, with the exception of the Monster U story, which I'm finishing up next month!


HitL: Old Friends C7

There was no way. There was no way. I strode down the garden path, into the forest, down that path, to the river and across that, until I couldn't hear the town anymore, until I was sure we wouldn't be followed and couldn't be found.



I can only imagine how much Crypto is hurting right now. She was so close, and then ... v,v


I've got tears in my eyes this is so fucking beautiful and important. I am SO EXCITED to see crypto and Evelyn's friendship / relationship develop more. Crypto's sacrifice here is legendary. Thank you so much for writing this ^^ 💕💕💕💕💕