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Ben 'n' Henry bring you this week's weirdest stories and true crime news including their much anticipated breakdown of the Gwyneth Paltrow Ski Crash Trial, yet another death connected to the Murdaugh Family, lawyer who represented Russian-born dominatrix convicted of attempting to murder her pal with drug-laced cheesecake is arrested Tuesday for allegedly trying to smuggle fentanyl-laced pot into a Queens jail, the 65 year old man who broke into a daycare (stole diapers and formula and left notes behind indicating he wanted to pretend to be a baby girl), a couple of big footed hero(es) of the week, Listener Stories, and MORE!





Cant wait for side stories live y'all!!!! Hail Satan.


Kissel coming in swinging with that hardcore Darwinism LOL, "if you can't withstand an 85lb bullet hitting you at 100mph, you're too weak to live."


Wait, do Henry and Ben really not know that Gwenyth is just a Hollywood nepo baby?


Can't believe Ben didn't sing "Little Toes". Missed opportunity there.

Goody Gumdrop (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-30 22:17:52 Could they be Steinem glasses > Dahmer glasses? Either way, let’s not.
2023-03-30 17:53:58 Could they be Steinem glasses > Dahmer glasses? Either way, let’s not.

Could they be Steinem glasses > Dahmer glasses? Either way, let’s not.


Fentanyl...the truffle oil of hard drugs